365球赛平台 Student Life offers on and off campus events and activities, discounted tickets, and more to students. Find out what’s happening this semester!
Events & Activities!
Wednesday, October 16
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Join us outside of the Russell Building (#7) for some soup, baguette, and other treats to celebrate World Food Day! This year’s theme is “Right to Foods for a better life and a better future: Leave no one behind.”
Russell Building – Outside
Wednesday, October 23 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Join the Student Life Department at this year’s Fall Fest! Free fun and treats for all!
Free for students, faculty, and staff.
Thursday, October 31 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Dress up on Halloween and Trick Or Treat Around Campus!!! 365球赛平台 Students can pick up a “Trick or Treat” bag from the Student Life Box Office in the Student Center (#8). Then, visit the participating locations on campus to Trick or Treat!
Locations will be provided with the bags.
Wednesday, December 11 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Join us for our annual Magical Holiday Village Extravaganza!!! Carnival Games, Crafts, Treats, Photo Booth, And More!!!
Student Center (Building #8)
Saturday, October 26 from 9:00 am – 7:30 pm
The bus leaves 365球赛平台 Lot #2 at 9:00am. Drop off locations are near Times Square and the High Line. Pick up times will be communicated by the bus driver on the day-of, however the bus will leave NYC by 6:00 pm.
365球赛平台 Students: $15
Faculty/Staff/Alumni: $20
Guests: $25
Stop by the Student Life Box Office in the Larson Student Center (#8) to purchase tickets.
If you are a person who needs accommodations due to disability, please contact Disability Services at 732-255-0456 or accommodations@7erafeen.com.
Join us in the Student Center on Tuesday nights for Stay Late in 8! Take part in the weekly activity, so your homework in a fun atmosphere, or just hang out with your friends! All of these events are from 5-7 pm and are free to all 365球赛平台 students, faculty, and staff. Free food, prizes, and fun!
October 8: Jewelry Making w/Engineering
October 15: Games with Math Club
October 22: Movie & Pumpkin Carving
October 29: Trivia w/History Club
November 12: Glowstick Bingo
- Personal, valid 365球赛平台 ID Card must be presented to purchase.
- You must accompany your guests on any trip. We reserve the right to check ID Cards on the bus.
- Tickets are limited to four (4) per person, unless indicated otherwise. All sales are on a first come, first served basis.
- NO ADVANCE reservations will be taken or tickets held. Payment in full is required at the time of reservation.
- It is the purchaser’s responsibility to contact Student Life at 732-255-0348 in the event of a cancellation prior to the day of the trip.
- Cancellations will only be refunded if the ticket(s) can be resold.
- No one under the age of 18 is permitted on any trip unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Alcoholic Beverages are PROHIBITED on college-sponsored trips.
- Prices are subject to change at any time. Unless otherwise noted, all tickets/seats are on sale in the Student Life Office.
- All participants attending a Student Life Office sponsored trip must sign and “Off-Campus Travel Release” in advance.
To contact the Student Life Office, please call 732-255-0348.
Need Assistance?
If you are a person who needs accommodations due to disability for any trips, events, and/or activities, please contact Disability Services at 732-255-0456 or accommodations@7erafeen.com. Accommodation requests should be submitted at least 10 business days in advance of the event.
Questions? Contact Us!
Call: 732-255-0348
e-mail: studentlife@7erafeen.com
Looking for More Events?
Check out our Club Events page to find upcoming events hosted by the various clubs at Ocean County College.