a man and woman looking at a binder

Determining Your Financial Need

Tuition and Fees

For a current list of Ocean County College’s tuition and fee charges, please refer to Tuition and Fees.

Other Expenses

In addition to tuition and fee charges, a student should budget for other types of expenses such as books and supplies, transportation to and from campus, living and miscellaneous expenses.

The Financial Aid office makes allowances for these expenses when determining a student’s budget and cost of attendance.

Estimated Family Contribution / Student Aid Index

You (and your parent(s)’ or spouse, if applicable) must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Once submitted, the Federal Processor will determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for 2023-2024 FAFSAs and prior OR your Student Aid Index (SAI) for 2024-2025 FAFSAs and beyond.

The Financial Aid office uses the data received from the Federal Processor to determine;

  1. Your dependency status.
  2. Your (and your spouse, if applicable) contribution from your earnings.
  3. Your (and your spouse, if applicable) contribution from your assets.
  4. Your (and your spouse, if applicable) other resources e.g. Veterans Benefits.
  5. Your parents’ (if applicable) contribution from their resources.

Your EFC/SAI are used to determine your financial aid eligibility and to make financial aid awards.
The EFC/SAI are NOT used by the Cashier’s Office to determine the amount a student (and his/her parent(s)’, if applicable) must pay. The balance due on a student’s account is the difference between the college charges and the financial aid disbursed.

Calculating your Financial Aid Eligibility (or Financial Need)

Ocean County College’s financial aid policy states that the College may award need-based aid up to the student’s financial aid eligibility, as determined by the Financial Aid Office and using the Federal Methodology formula. A student’s need based aid eligibility is computed by subtracting the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) / Student Aid Index (SAI) from your 2023-2024 Cost of Attendance (COA) / 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance (COA).

A financial aid package may include a combination of scholarships, grants, work, and/or loan. The actual amount of grant, work, and/or loan a student is offered depends on the student’s eligibility and the total amount of funds available to assist all eligible financial aid applicants. Given limited federal, state, and institutional funds, 365球赛平台 may be unable to award 100% of a student’s financial need.

PLEASE NOTE: Financial Aid awards cannot exceed a student’s total cost of attendance.